Boka Isla Canela Old GolfFyll i samtliga fält nedan. Välj speldatum, starttid, antal spelare och Hcp (handikapp från lägsta till högsta). PGA PRO gäller enbart för professionella PGA-spelare och skall INTE vara medräknade i fältet Spelare. |
Boka Isla Canela Old Golf Isla Canela Old Golf course is situated within a Nature Reserve where the river Guadiana empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Its beautiful location and the mild climate of the region make it an ideal destination for golfing all year around. The course, designed by Juan Catarineu, is successfully integrated into existing flat terrain and is very comfortable to walk. Wide fairways run between natural dunes and many trees – oranges, olives, eucalyptuses and palms- have been introduced not only to enhance the location but, by their position, to provide natural hazards. At first sight it looks like an easy golf course, but it has its hidden difficulties! |
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• Plaza de las Orquideas • Edificio Orquidea - Local 6 • 29660 NUEVA ANDALUCÍA • MARBELLA • MÁLAGA • SPAIN •